Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Outrageous Okona

**** (4 stars out of 5)
William Campbell, globe circumnavigator, Rocketeer, and second cousin of character actor Bruce, was up for the role of Riker and would've made a good one, to be sure.

Here he plays the dashing rogue Thadiun Okona, who tomcats about the Enterprise distributing charming smiles and wicked crabs to many of the female crew.

Data, keen to learn the man's appeal (hint: not the hair) takes lessons in humor from a holographic comic. You'll Piscopo your pants when you see who it is!

The sullen android tries out his archaic humor on Guinan.
"Bring new jokes," counsels the benevolent alien bartender.

Okona is not merely a gadabout, but caught up in a merry drama as the go-between for a prince and pregnant princess of warring planets. Okona clouds the issue but helps the kids pitch woo and patch things up with their belligerent fathers.

Data's intentional comedy is a dismal failure. 'An audience appropriate to the venue' laugh at everything. That is appropriate to the 1980's. They're probably full of holographic nose candy.

Still, Data is the master of UN-intentional yuks.

"Say good-bye, Data."

"Take my Worf... please."

"The Outrageous Okona" is fun times. Made more enjoyable for me by the company: I watched nearly a dozen of these in one day with my beloved wife. What a delight to share them with her and how gratifying that she likes them too.

Pretty people, stupid jokes, what more can you ask from an evening in?

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